What is the connection between Hinduism and Science?

Hinduism is a not a religion but a way of life. Unlike other religions, Hindu Dharma has many specialties. This is not known as a religion, it is known as the Dharma; Sanatana Dharma. Sanatana means, according to Bhagavath Geetha, which can not be des…

Benefits of applying Tilak on forehead

What is Tilak? (तिलक क्या है?) In Hinduism, tilak, also known as tika, is a mark worn usually on the forehead, at the point of the ajna chakra and sometimes other parts of the body such as the neck, hand, chest, or the arm. हिंदू धर्म में, तिलक, जिसे …

What is Hinduism? Origin, Beliefs & Symbols

What is Hinduism? (क्या है हिंदू धर्म?) Hinduism is an Indian religion or dharma, and oldest living religion on the earth, originating on the Indian subcontinent and comprising several and varied systems of philosophy, belief and ritual. It's reli…

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